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Why ‘The Corleone Christ’?

GJ Mann biography


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Hi! I am writing to you to give a welcome to my website!

This is an exciting moment for me as the author of ‘The Corleone Christ’ - I very much hope this is the start of a conversation that will last between us.

As I’m writing, today is February 28, 2025, the date ‘The Corleone Christ’ stopped being an ‘idea’ or a ‘draft’ or indeed a ‘manuscript’. As a parent of three children, I would say that if a book were a child, today is the day it opened my front door, looked back down the hallway and walked out into the world under its own steam. The question in the back of any parents' mind, as the front door closes is, ‘have I done enough to make sure you can stand on your own feet’? The worry on the tip of any parent’s tongue is, you just don’t know.

So, that is where you come in as someone who has read ‘The Corleone Christ.’ Firstly, on this website you can join the conversation as a reader and tell me with honesty and candour what you thought of this ‘child’ you got to know; let me know what you think and feel about whether this book is standing on its own two feet now.

Secondly, you can leave your email address / contact details so I can keep you informed going forward. ‘The Corleone Christ’ is the first of three in a series. In my mind I have moved on, I am already working on the next part of the story. The time will come when I will be able to let you know when the next book will be available for preorder and, within a margin of error, when you can read about where John Green, together with some old and some new characters, are making their way through the challenges they face.

Thirdly, my intention is to develop this page, talk about the work and some of the ideas, thoughts, and characters in ‘The Corleone Christ’ trilogy. If you are coming to my website not having read ‘The Corleone Christ,’ I hope you’ll find some content that will support you in buying it from my list of retailers. There are many more retailers across the world, some near you, where you can find a more local place to make a purchase!

Depending on how the work develops I am thinking there will come a time when a blog conversation or a newsletter, could be helpful additions. Right now, though, it’s a matter of wait and see.

As a new author on the block, I am really looking forward to the future and I look forward to hearing your own thoughts, questions, and reviews.

With kind thoughts and best wishes.

GJ Mann

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